Timing of Management

Woodland management operations need to be planned to avoid disturbance to protected species.

Detailed advice can be found on the Forestry Commission website - see web links in section on legal requirements.

Below is a summary of the most sensitive periods for species likely to be found in woodlands (inclusive of the named months). Note that bats and dormice are European Protected Species (EPS). Other EPS could also be present. Some birds are Schedule 1 species and therefore receive extra protection.

  • Birds: main breeding season March - July (some species nest outside this window)
  • Bats:
    • Females in maternity roosts May - August
    • Hibernation roosts November - February
  • Dormice: nesting season April - October (also consider hibernating dormice)
  • Badgers: breeding season December - June (January to February most sensitive period)
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